Following Jesus 201: Living by the Indwelling Spirit of God

The most important thing to know about following Jesus is
that Jesus is a living person. He has
feelings, thoughts and dreams. We humans
have been created in his likeness so that’s why we have feelings, thoughts,
desires and dreams. We were created to
have a relationship with this amazing Creator who has revealed himself to us in
the Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus died a criminal's death to free us from our self-centeredness (sin) and three days later He rose again from the dead. He is alive forever. Now He offers
us His own Divine life to live inside of us. The greatest reason to follow Jesus is to enter into an incredible
friendship with the Creator of the universe.
This is the reason that each of us was created. Following Jesus is to experience the life you were made to live!
In Paul’s letter to the believers at Rome we read “We were
reconciled to God through the death of his son; if that’s so, how much more,
having already been reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. " (Romans 5:10)
As we’ve studied previously, the word “saved” means to be
rescued and healed. So it is the life of
Jesus that rescues us and heals us on a daily basis. The “Christian life” is one of trusting Jesus
to live His life in and through us. The
New Testament tells us that Jesus actually comes to live *inside* his followers
through the agency of His Spirit. Paul
goes on to write in Romans 8, “But you’re not people of the flesh; you’re
people of the Spirit (if indeed God’s Spirit lives within you; note that anyone
who doesn’t have the Spirit of the Messiah doesn’t belong to Him).” (Romans 8:9)
The simplest definition of a Christian is one in whom Christ
lives. Christ is just the Greek word
for the Hebrew word Messiah, which means “anointed one,” and by implication it means “King.” So following Jesus means that every day we
surrender our lives to this King and we trust Him to live His life in us and
through us.
Jesus gave us a beautiful picture of this in the gospel of
John chapter 4. He was talking with a
Samaritan woman by the well of Jacob in Samaria. He told her that He would give her living
water and that she would never thirst again.
Jesus was referring to spiritual thirst – the thirst for meaning and
deep fulfillment in our lives. Jesus said to her, “Anyone who drinks the
water I’ll give them won’t ever be thirsty again. No: the
water I’ll give them will become a spring of water welling up to the life of
God’s new age.” (John 4:13)
Jesus says that if we drink His water (and we do that by
trusting in Him and surrendering our lives to His Leadership) then this water
that he gives us will become inside of us a spring of water that will well up
and produce the life of God’s coming age (eternal life). Water in the Bible is often a picture of the
presence and operation of the Holy Spirit of God. Here Jesus is saying that the indwelling Holy
Spirit will become a source of God’s life to us. Every day if we trust Him for this, the life
of God within us will spring up and provide the energy, patience, wisdom, guidance, love,
joy, peace and victory we need for that day.
It is Jesus within us, through the agency of the Holy Spirit who is this
Note that this is not a one time event. When we first believe that Jesus is Lord and that God has raised him from the dead, our human spirit is brought to life. We call this being born again. That is a one time event. But, living by the indwelling life of the Spirit is a daily project for us followers of Jesus.
Paul, writing to the believers at Galatia (modern day
Turkey) makes this amazing statement: “I
have been crucified with the Messiah. I
am, however alive – but it isn’t me any longer; it's the Messiah who lives in
me. And the life I do still live in the
flesh, I live within the faithfulness of the Son of God, who loved me and gave
himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20).
I believe this kind of life is available for
every believer in Jesus. We count our
old life to be dead – dead on the cross with Jesus – and we trust and believe
for the Life of Jesus to work inside of us, changing our attitudes,
emotions, thoughts, beliefs , words and actions. This life will grow in us daily as we stay
in relationship with Jesus – talking with Him, listening to Him, trusting in
Him and obeying Him.
This is the Life that Jesus offers us – His own pure,
powerful, fearless and peaceful life. As we follow Him we experience the reason for which we were created and we begin to find deep fulfillment and purpose in our lives. We will truly never thirst again!