Following Jesus 201: Living by the Indwelling Spirit of God

In our first “Following Jesus” lesson we looked at an overview of the New Testament and what it means for someone to follow Jesus. Now in this second lesson we will look at why someone would want to follow Jesus. We’ll also get into a bit more of the practical day to day aspects of following Jesus. The most important thing to know about following Jesus is that Jesus is a living person. He has feelings, thoughts and dreams. We humans have been created in his likeness so that’s why we have feelings, thoughts, desires and dreams. We were created to have a relationship with this amazing Creator who has revealed himself to us in the Jewish man named Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus died a criminal's death to free us from our self-centeredness (sin) and three days later He rose again from the dead. He is alive forever. Now He offers us His own Divine life to live inside of us. The greatest reason to follow Jesus is to enter into an...