Functioning Together as the Body of Christ

“For just as each of us has one body with
many members, and these members do not all have the same function,
so in Christ we, though many, form one
body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the
grace given to each of us.
"If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in
accordance with your
faith; if
it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement;
if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if
it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."(Romans 12:4-8, NIV translation)
Christ is simply the Greek word for
Messiah, which means the “anointed one” or King. When we trust in Messiah Jesus as our Lord,
we are spiritually placed into the Messiah.
The New Testament calls this being “in Christ.” We share this position along with all others
who have surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus the King. We have been taken out of the spiritual realm
of darkness in which we lived and we have been positioned in Messiah
himself. We now have access to His
life, His thoughts, His feelings, His wisdom and His power.
God did not design us to live alone, but in
concert and in close relationship with other believers in Messiah. The local expression of believers in Messiah
is called the “church” or ekklesia (called out ones) in the Greek. Paul tells us here in Romans that our lives
not only belong to Messiah, we also belong to one another. We form one body and each member belongs to
all the others. This has amazing
ramifications for our lives. We can no
longer live in isolation, but we are designed to live in close cooperation and
relationship with our fellow believers in Jesus.
The first key to functioning as a member of
the Body of Messiah is to know and believe the fully accepting love that God
the Father has for each one of us. This truth
is our foundation for spiritual growth. We are completely accepted and
completely forgiven by God our Father. We are delighted in by the Father, not because
of anything good that we have done, but simply because we are His
creation. Let that really sink in. Nothing we can do can diminish the Father’s
love for us and nothing we can do can increase the Father’s love for us. His love for us is unending and He will never
leave us or forsake us. This sounds too
good to be true, and that is why it is called the “gospel”, which means “good
The second key to functioning as a member
of the Body of Messiah is to build relationships of love, respect and trust
with the other believers in Jesus that the Lord has joined you with. If you ask God and trust Him, he will lead
you to a body of believers that are trying to function together as the Body of
Messiah. The qualities you should look
for are humility, love and serving – especially in the lives of the leaders of
the group.
Leaders tend to reproduce
their nature in their followers. Leaders
are essential to the health and life of the church. God sets leaders in the church to facilitate
and to equip the Body to function together.
They are not there to show off their gifts or to dominate the meetings
of the believers with long-winded “sermons.”
Church is more than a series of meetings, it is a set of relationships
centered around the Lord Jesus. It is a
group of people who are sharing life together.
The third key to functioning as a member of the Body of
Messiah is to discover what your spiritual gift is and then to cultivate that gift
and begin to operate in it. In the
Romans 12 passage which we read Paul outlines seven different spiritual gifts
that are present in every local church body:
prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leading and showing
mercy. Ask the Father which one of these
gifts belongs to you. Then begin to
study about that gift in the Bible and begin to cultivate the operation of that
gift in your life. This is where your
leaders can come along side to encourage you and to make room for you to exercise your gift in the life of the church.
As the members of Messiah’s body live in relationships of
love and honor with one another, and as we grow in the operation of our spiritual
gifts, then the local church body will be encouraged and the church will grow
deeper spiritually. This is how we will
begin to reflect the nature of the Lord Himself to the society around us.