Enjoying Our Humanity
Welcome to the new year of 2013! For my first post this year I would like to share some thoughts about the humanity of Jesus.
of the people I know who follow Jesus believe like I do that he is the
God-man. He is fully God and fully man
at the same time. I believe that the God
who created the universe came to the earth in the form of a man named Jesus. The Bible tells us that Jesus laid aside all
his divine power and came to earth as a sinless human being.
is interesting to me that while many people who are not followers of Jesus
don’t believe in his divinity, the same seems to be true among many followers
of Jesus in regard to his humanity.
We Christians just seem to be uncomfortable talking about and thinking
about the humanity of Jesus. We are
quick to acknowledge his divinity – the miracles, the holiness, the power, the
resurrection, etc. but slower to acknowledge that he was a human like us who
experienced temptation, exhaustion, irritation, anger, etc. As Leonard Sweet recently pointed out, Jesus even complained about having to put up with a faithless generation! (and yet, he was still without sin according to the Bible).
For us who are followers of Jesus he is the
model and pattern for our lives. He was
fully human and yet without sin. We
don’t really know what this looks like.
How many sinless humans do you know? Jesus
was and is one. (Note that he never laid
aside his humanity, even after the resurrection. The man Jesus is in heaven today ruling the
universe. Yes, he is God, but he is also
still a man)
would it mean for us as humans to live a life that is pleasing to God? Jesus is our example. Reading the gospels through in a modern translation
and taking note of what Jesus says, does and feels can give us some idea of
what that life looks like.
does a holy human being really look like?
Does it mean someone who never gets angry – who never yells? Does it mean someone who is never tempted by
sin? Does it mean someone who never
takes time to rest or just to have fun?
Does it mean that this person spends their life isolated from other
people in the mountains praying and studying Scriptures all day? Does it mean someone who is always serving
others and never has anytime for themselves to just have fun and be
renewed? I think the answer to all these
questions is no.
life of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament is our model and pattern for
what it means to live a full, exciting and holy life pleasing to God. He lived his life as a man depending on the
indwelling power of the Holy Spirit and he was in fellowship at all times with
the heavenly Father. Can we do this? I think we can. Sure we are going to sin and come short of
love’s perfection many times but our Father in heaven has already provided our pardon and forgiveness through the shed blood of Jesus.
the gospels and the New Testament epistles we see that Jesus got angry with
people, yelled at them, (e.g. I don’t think he said “you brood of vipers!” to
the Pharisees in a quiet gentle voice) was tempted by sin just like we are (yet he
never gave in to temptation and sinned), had times for rest and recreation and
was so approachable that the common people loved to be around him. In fact he was so at home among the type of people that the
existing religious establishment branded as “sinners” that the religious
leaders became furious with him. They called him a drunkard and a glutton and a
friend of sinners. When was the last
time a religious person got mad at you for spending
too much time with individuals whom they perceive to be sinners?
some of the churches I attended when I was younger I was taught to stay away
from people that did not follow Christ so that they would not “infect” me with
their sinful ways. How can we ever
relate to a world that Jesus loves if we stay cloistered within our sacred
church walls and never make friends with people who don’t believe the way we
do? Jesus was love and holiness combined
in one person. He reached out to the
broken and to the people bound by sin and showed them compassion. He had so much humility that he did not come
across in a condescending way at all when he related to people caught in the
snares of sin.
have been reading through the gospel of John again and I am noticing some time
gaps of two or three months during his three and one half year ministry in
which not much was recorded. Jesus did
not seem to do any miracles or give any great teaching sessions during these
periods of time... Could it be possible
that Jesus merely hung out with his friends and led a somewhat unspectacular
life during these times?
mean could it be that some days he did not heal any sick people, cast out any
demons, lead any prayer meetings or preach any sermons? Do you think he was sinning if he had a
day like this? Sometimes I think we are so caught up in our Christian programs and duties and
obligations that we forget to just be human beings who are living our lives in
the Presence of a Father who delights in us.
It is ok to be human. It is ok to
be ourselves. It is ok to enjoy some
good music and hang out at the park with your friends. It's more than ok - it's pleasing to the Lord when we enjoy life! Jesus and the Father delight in us just the
way we are with all our imperfections.
Let’s be human beings who are down to earth, real, and friends of sinners
as well as friends of Jesus.