Enjoying Our Humanity

Welcome to the new year of 2013! For my first post this year I would like to share some thoughts about the humanity of Jesus. Most of the people I know who follow Jesus believe like I do that he is the God-man. He is fully God and fully man at the same time. I believe that the God who created the universe came to the earth in the form of a man named Jesus. The Bible tells us that Jesus laid aside all his divine power and came to earth as a sinless human being. It is interesting to me that while many people who are not followers of Jesus don’t believe in his divinity, the same seems to be true among many followers of Jesus in regard to his humanity. We Christians just seem to be uncomfortable talking about and thinking about the humanity of Jesus. We are quick to acknowledge his divinity – the miracles, the holiness, the power, the resurrection, etc. but slower to acknowledge that he was a human like us who experie...