Relational Church
Relational church is something my wife and I have been involved
in for the past eight years. I use the
term “relational” church rather than “organic” or “house” church for a
reason. The covenant people of God –
those who have received forgiveness of sin and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ –
they make up the universal church. The
church is people, not buildings and not meetings. Reading through the New Testament, one
realizes that the relational commands such as “love one another”, “forgive one
another”, “bear one another’s burdens” etc. can only be carried out in the context
of a small group of believers who are committed to the Lord and to one
another. The NT letters were written to
clusters of believers who were gathering in homes to celebrate the Risen Christ
all across the Roman Empire. The letters
were often circulated among these small clusters within a given city or region. So we have the letter to the believers at Rome,
the letter to the believers in Corinth, etc.
These small clusters are also called “churches”, as when
Paul writes of “the church that meets in Priscilla and Aquilla’s home.” Rather than emphasize the place of the
meeting as in “house church” or the nature of the growth of the relationships,
as in “organic church”, I would like to emphasize the nature of the group – it is
relational. It is relational
church. The best definition I’ve heard
of the New Testament concept of this local expression of the church comes from
Felicity Dale. She says that the church
is “a set of relationships centered around Jesus - people who are on a mission with God.” I like that.
It rings true with Scripture and with my experience.
The place we meet is not so important, be it
a home, an office, or a church building.
What is important is that we all have a growing relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ and with one another.
Being the church means we are committed to love one another and share
life with one another Monday through Saturday as well as on Sunday. Being the church is not just focusing on one
meeting a week where we sing hymns, pray and study the Bible. It is a lifestyle marked by love and a
sharing with one another of the life of Christ within us. That life only comes from time spent
listening to the Lord and trusting and obeying Him. Then we can share the overflow of that Divine
life with those brothers and sisters in Christ whom the Lord has brought into
our lives. Our meetings may include prayer, singing
praises and Bible study, but they do not have to. The relationship with the Lord and with each
other is what is paramount.
If the relationships are growing and based on truth and
love, then whenever we come together as a group of 8, 10, or 20 believers, there
will be a sense of the Lord’s Presence among us and His truth being shared
among us. Focusing on meetings and not
on relationships is the wrong focus. If
we focus on a weekly meeting, be it in a home or in a church building, we will
miss what the Lord is after and eventually our meetings will become boring and
lifeless. However, if each individual in
the local church focuses on knowing Jesus and also on building relationships with
their brothers and sisters in Christ, then the meetings of the entire group
will be full of the transforming Presence of Jesus. In my experience, we can only carry out the "one-another" commands in the context of a small family of brothers and sisters in Christ. I call this the "relational church" and I think it is one of the keys to New Testament church life.
Jesus chose the Twelve & spent time with them & knew them. Christ did not build a synagogue.
Jesus People are family & love to hang out together.