Studies in the Gospels (Part Ten)

Welcome to my 10 th post on the canonical gospels. Last time we started looking at the gospel of John and went over some basic information about it. Now let’s look deeper. When compared to the three Synoptic gospels, what is different about the gospel of John? Unique characteristics of the Gospel of John: 1. Covers a three-year ministry period vs. 1 year period found in the Synoptics. 2. Focuses on Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem rather than his ministry in Galilee. 3. Puts the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry instead of during the final week. 4. Very little overlap with the content of the Synoptics. In fact, while 93% of Mark is found in Matthew and Luke, only 8% of John parallels the Synoptics (Kostenberger, 2009, 553). 5. Gives a very diff...