Marketplace Ministry Part 5

Continuing my thoughts on equipping believers for serving in the marketplace: So you may say, "Well this is all great Bill, doing good for people and helping them succeed in business, education, government, etc., but where does the societal transformation come in?" I'm glad you asked that question! I will say two things: 1. The agent of transformation is the Holy Spirit. 2. The power of transformation is God's love. If we are surrendering to Jesus daily, then the life and power of the Holy Spirit is naturally flowing through us wherever we are and the love of God is also flowing through us. We trust God that His love is impacting those around us and that He is leading them to open their hearts to His love and His very real Presence and activity. Here is a secret: He has already been working in their lives since before they were born and He loves them more than we ever will. Our task is to love and serve people in the power of the Holy Spirit, energize...