
Showing posts from 2016

East and West

I’ve been taking classes at an online Seminary for the past four years, and one thing that I’ve learned is an appreciation for the writings and theology of the Eastern Orthodox Church.   Up until my early 50’s I had not been exposed to the Eastern Orthodox Church.   My church roots as a child were in the Episcopal Church, followed by the Quaker Church and followed by the United Church of Christ.   When I was 17 I had a conversion experience that we in my tradition call being “born again.”   It was an intensely emotional experience in which I asked the Lord Jesus to come into my life and to forgive my sins.  I surrendered to Him as Lord of my life. After that experience I began attending a Pentecostal Church in Huntington, New York, which was part of the Assembly of God denomination.   I had a very godly pastor named Charles Shaffer. He was the first Christian leader I had ever met who believed that the Bible was an inspired message from God and that it...

Meditation on Christ in the Wake of the Orlando Shootings (June 2016)

Christianity presents to us a God who does not coerce others or control humanity...Instead He attracts followers by the beauty of his humility and by the spectacle of his self-giving love.  He empties himself of magnificence to become a simple Jewish peasant. He spends his life on behalf of others, particularly the poor, the sick and those who are social outcasts. Then He willingly submits to torture and murder at the hands of self-righteous religious leaders. It is in his weakness and in his suffering love that we see the treasure and beauty of who He is.  He is one with the victim and He suffers with those who suffer. His love transcends death and He offers healing that extends far beyond the grave.