Learning To Listen...

One of the truths that I’ve discovered over the past several years is that we can each hear Jesus talking to us personally. What a wonderful truth this is! The King of the universe wants to take the time to speak to us individually and to reveal His personal love for us! If we have surrendered to Him as our Shepherd, that makes us His sheep. The Lord Jesus tells us in John 10:27 that "my sheep hear my voice." It's as simple as that! If the Lord is your shepherd and you are his sheep then you do hear his voice! You might say, "no, Bill I really don't think I've ever heard the voice of Jesus." Really? Let me ask you some questions....Have you ever been going about your daily routine when someone will come to mind and you have a sense to pray for them? Have you ever been minding your own business not thinking about God and suddenly a praise song starts playing in your mind? ...