Why is the Kingdom of God Good News, Part Two

In my last post I began to share why the Kingdom of God is such good news. I would like to continue in that vein a bit here. I would like to share with you the wonder of the message of Jesus. This message is something that radically transformed my life 30 years ago, and it continues to transform me today. Last time I pointed out that when Jesus began to proclaim his message to the nation of Israel under Roman occupation in the 1 st century, he said that they were to change their thinking because the Kingdom of God was present and available. The writers of the gospels (gospel means “good news”) tell how Jesus went about through all the villages proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom and healing all who were sick. (Matthew 4:23) Jesus is the Son of God come to earth in human form. In my last post I pointed out that when we come under the Leadership of Jesus we receive the forgiveness of all our sins and we receive healing for ...