Recovering the Biblical Meaning of Hell

Recovering the Biblical Meaning of Hell The word most often used by Jesus and translated "hell" in our English Bibles, is actually the Greek word Gehenna. Gehenna referred to a literal place in Jerusalem, much like we would say "Central Park" or "Fisherman’s Wharf" to designate places within New York City or San Francisco. This place Gehenna in the first century was a valley just outside Jerusalem known as the "valley of Hinnom". It was a place used to burn garbage and the fires were continually burning there. It was also a place filled with worms and maggots feeding on the garbage. Not a pretty picture. During the time of Israel's Kings, hundreds of years prior to the time of Jesus, this same valley was a place where worshippers of Molech sacrificed their children to the false god by burning them alive. This is referred to in the book of 2 Kings 23:10. Jeremiah prophesies three times in his book that Jerusalem will be destroyed...