Jesus As Lover: A Distortion?

I have heard some people say that the teaching of Jesus as lover of our soul is a distortion and a descent into sensual and carnal religion. I disagree. I think that the Psalms, the Song of Solomon, the prophet Isaiah, the gospel of Matthew, the gospel of John, Ephesians, Revelation and many other Biblical books all represent Jesus as a Bridegroom who is calling forth a Bride from among His covenant people. In the Old Testament the Hebrew Prophets use this metaphor many times to describe the relationship of God with His covenant people Israel. (see Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 2:1-3, 3:14, 31:32, Ezekiel 16:1-14, Hosea 2:14-20) In the New Testament letter to the Ephesians the apostle Paul also tells us that human marriage is a representation of God's relationship with His people. Husbands are instructed to love their wives in the same manner that Christ loves the ekklesia (the church). Wives are instructed to honor and submit to their husbands in the same way that the ekklesia hono...